This routine, called LEHINUBK.EXE, is a menu shell to run the Microsoft MSBACKUP.EXE program. We do NOT supply MSBACKUP.EXE; it is included with DOS Version 6.x or higher. If you are running an earlier version of DOS, install our back-up routine called LEHIBAK.EXE. The set-up files for MSBACKUP have been pre-configured to allow you to easily back-up your important data. You may find it necessary to make some initial changes to suit your particular hardware. This should be done within the MSBACKUP program. Refer to your DOS Manual for details. Should it be necessary to restore your data, use the Restore option in the MSBACKUP program. Again, refer to your DOS Manual for details. MASTER.DAT & SERVICE.DAT: Major data files; Back them up daily. Financial Reports: Back these up at least weekly. Back Insurance Reports: Back these up at least monthly. Diagnosis & CPT Code Files: Back-up whenever you modify the files. B 'opmenu' OPMENU